A Guide to Pursuing Justice for Revenge Pornography


The period within which you’re a victim of revenge pornography may be the longest and most embarrassing and damaging of your entire life so far. Your family, social, and career life may suffer tremendously as a result of malicious acts of a possibly hurting former lover, who chooses to demonstrate their anger and revenge by posting online explicit private content that touches on you without your consent. That person’s actions may be in violation of your state’s revenge pornography law.

Who Has the Right to Fight Revenge Pornography?

You have the right to fight Remove Revenge Porn so long as it’s been published without your consent. It does not matter if you gave consent to the capture of the explicit material in question, or you captured it yourself. You can fight to have it removed provided that you don’t want it published.

What You Should do if You’re a Victim of Revenge Pornography

If your state has Revenge Porn Law, you can seek refuge in it and stop further damage of your reputation. So, move swiftly and talk to a revenge pornography attorney for guidance on how to proceed. Typically, each case is different, and your attorney will have to examine your specific situation and decide on the based legal strategy that can deliver a good outcome before irreversible damage is caused.

What a Revenge Pornography Lawyer Can do for You

When the videos or photos that somebody published online are still there, your priority should be to have them removed. Thankfully, revenge pornography law is on your side when it comes to the removal of sexually explicit online content that damages your reputation. So, ask your attorney to file a suit so that a court of law can order the perpetrator of the offense to remove the damaging content.

A court may respond by issuing a cease-and-desist order to the offender. This order requires the malicious perpetrator to stop publishing any nonconsensual sexual material that affects you. Failure to obey such a court order can lead to more severe legal actions. Still, a court can order the removal of any such content from the websites on which it’s published. The people running the website will be required to facilitate removal of the content.

As such, you can turn to revenge pornography law for the protection of your privacy if you’re the victim of such a malicious act. Just be sure to seek redress before it’s too late! Know more about pornography at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/topic/pornography.

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